Snapchat started the trend of story-telling, creating 24-hour snaps that you share to the world. Instagram now has this feature as well. Well, Instagram has changed the game again. This time, you can post multiple photos within a single feed post. As in, you swipe right and see multiple pictures all under one post. Sure, Twitter and Facebook have similar features where you can post multiple pictures at once, but not quite like this. Instagram, unlike Facebook, Twitter, and so on, is a photo-based social media platform. Before, only advertisers could do such a thing on Instagram, leaving the rest of us to pick only the best picture (or two at the most) to represent our big event, birthday or holiday to keep from spamming (and annoying) our follower’s feeds. To use the feature, you need to tap the ‘Select Multiple’ option first on the bottom of the photo or video you want to upload. From there, you can select the content you want to include; they’ll be numbered in the order th...